Home » Reducing Business Energy Costs with Biomass Heating Systems

Reducing Business Energy Costs with Biomass Heating Systems

If you are looking to reduce your energy costs in your business premises this year, have a look at a biomass heating system. Not only are they cheaper to run than traditional heating methods but they are also a green energy source.

Using green energy isn’t just about saving money; it’s about choosing a healthier alternative and thinking about reducing your carbon footprint.

What is Biomass?

Biomass comes from plants, animals or vegetables. It takes Carbon Dioxide out of the air whilst it is growing and then returns it again when it is being burned. Think of a tree using the carbon in the air to grow and flourish and then putting it back again when we use that wood for combustion.

Biomass Heating

Biomass heating sources in the UK are mainly provided by wood, in the form of wood chips or pellets and straw. The boiler feed is powered by electricity, but the boiler itself generates heat by burning the low carbon fuel.

Equipment and Use

The wood or straw is put into a hopper, or other fuel storage unit and then it is fed automatically into the boiler, which resembles a furnace. The boiler burns the wood until it reaches the required temperature and then it stops feeding until the temperature drops and then it begins again.

A biomass boiler can provide heating through individual radiators or underfloor heating and it can also supply constant hot water. Pellet or wood burning fires can also be installed as an individual heating system in any room and there are many attractive models available.

Suitable Buildings

A biomass heating system is ideal for offices, schools, hotels and factories, as long as there is enough space for the boiler and the storage of the fuel. Delivery vehicles will need space to drop off the fuel either in the storage point, or close to it.

Installation Costs

Installing a biomass system is not one size fits all and each project is tailor made to suit the requirements of each customer. However, Carbon Trust have produced a sample cost breakdown on a per kilowatt basis, which totals £374 pounds per kilowatt and includes the boiler, the pipes and fittings, flue control and fuel feeding system. The most expensive part of the system is usually the boiler.


The assessment for a biomass heating system should be carried out by an authorised supplier and there are number of rules and regulations that must be adhered to, including planning permission and chimney heights.

Using biomass for your heating or hot water system will provide you with significant savings on your fuel bills and supply a low carbon, minimal pollution alternative to other fuels.

Peter Christopher

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